Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baring of the soul

I have a confession to make. In my office, as in many similar corporate type offices across the country, our supply buyers are stingy on the TP. There's usually enough (USUALLY) but it's of the flimsy, one-ply nature. Yes, you know. The rolls are kind of an infinity coil when they're brand new - no discernible beginning or end. And what I've observed is that a great number of my coworkers quickly grow frustrated when they are compelled to pull toilet paper off of a new roll. When left to their own devices, they seemingly attempt to effect smooth paper dispersal via random, infuriated clawing at the roll. What is left behind is a roll that looks like a badger has had a go at it and a tall pile of thin shreds below.
So. I now go into the ladies' room at the very start of every day and "start" all the toilet paper rolls in every stall. Thank me later folks!

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